The Politics of Major Policy Reform in Postwar America
2 contributors - Paperback
Jeffery A. Jenkins is a Professor in the Department of Politics and Faculty Associate in the Miller Center at the University of Virginia. He has published more than thirty articles in peer-reviewed journals, such as the American Journal of Political Science, the Journal of Politics, Legislative Studies Quarterly, and Studies in American Political Development. He is also the author (with Charles Stewart, III) of Fighting for the Speakership: The House and the Rise of Party Government (2013) and the editor (with Eric M. Patashnik) of Living Legislation: Durability, Change, and the Politics of American Lawmaking (2012). Sidney M. Milkis is the White Burkett Miller Professor in the Department of Politics and Faculty Associate in the Miller Center at the University of Virginia. He has written extensively on political history and American politics, with special attention to the presidency, political parties, and social movements. His books include The President and the Parties: The Transformation of the American Party System Since the New Deal (1993); Political Parties and Constitutional Government: Remaking American Democracy (1999); Presidential Greatness (2000), co-authored with Marc Landy; The American Presidency: Origins and Development, 1776–2011, 6th edition (2011), co-authored with Michael Nelson; and Theodore Roosevelt, the Progressive Party, and the Transformation of American Democracy (2009). He is the co-editor (with Jerome Mileur) of three volumes on twentieth-century political reform: Progressivism and the New Democracy (1999), The New Deal and the Triumph of Liberalism (2002), and The Great Society and the High Tide of Liberalism (2005). His articles have been published in Perspectives on Politics, Presidential Studies Quarterly, Political Science Quarterly, the Journal of Policy History, Studies in American Political Development, and numerous edited volumes.