Siamak Farhad Editor

Siamak Farhad is Associate Professor in the Department of Mechanical Engineering, at The University of Akron, Ohio, USA. His primary and secondary research fields are energy and measurement, with a focus on energy, both energy conversion and storage, with particular emphasis on batteries, fuel cells, and piezoelectrics, from nano/microstructure design to the cell, device and system design. His focus in the field of measurement is on new sensors, is interdisciplinary and linked to nanotechnology, electrochemistry, thermal science, and material science. His research is based on both modeling and experiment; the selected research topics are, recycling and regeneration of lithium-ion battery materials, optimization of electrodes nano/microstructure for lithium battery, ceramic solid-state lithium battery, and piezoelectric materials for sensor and energy harvester. Dr Ram K. Gupta is Associate Professor, in the Department of Chemistry at Pittsburg State University, USA. His research interests include green energy production and storage using conducting polymers, 2D materials, nanostructured materials, and composites, polymers from renewable resources for industrial applications, polymer recycling for sustainable future, bio-compatible nanofibers and thin films for tissue regeneration, scaffold, bio-degradable metallic implants, and antibacterial applications. Ghulam Yasin is a Senior Research Fellow at the Institute for Advanced Study, College of Physics and Optoelectronic Engineering, Shenzhen University, Guangdong, China. His research interests are nanoscale functional materials for electrochemical energy storage and conversion devices/technologies, advanced carbon-based anodes for next-generation batteries, nano architecture materials for energy storage and conversion applications, construction of metal-organic framework-based nanomaterials, nanocomposite materials for multifunctional applications, nanoscience and nanotechnology-based approaches for superior mechanical properties and corrosion performance, and basic simulations and DFT of electrochemical energy conversion and storage. Tuan Anh Nguyen is Principal Research Scientist at the Institute for Tropical Technology, Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology, Hanoi, Vietnam. His research focuses on advanced nanomaterials and applied nanotechnology. His research activities include smart coatings, conducting polymers, corrosion and protection of metals/concrete, antibacterial materials, and smart sensors/devices. He is Editor-In-Chief of Kenkyu Journal of Nanotechnology & Nanoscience and Founding Co-Editor-In-Chief of Current Nanotoxicity & Prevention.