SDG11, Sustainable Cities and Communities
2 contributors - Paperback
Shyama V. Ramani is a Professorial Fellow in the United Nations University, UNU-MERIT in Maastricht, and Professor of Entrepreneurship and the Social Enterprise in Brunel Business School in London. Her work revolves around three core themes: the impact of the national system of innovation on the creation of industrial competence and inclusive development; the use of patent and publications statistics as indicators of competitive position and comparative advantage; and the creation of incentives for cooperation and coordination. Dr Ramani holds a PhD in economics from Cornell University, USA. After the tsunami of December 2004, she founded the non-profit organization 'Friend in Need', an action-research unit which aims to improve sanitation coverage and waste management in rural India. For this work, she was one of the laureates of the 'Women of the Earth' trophy in 2008 awarded by the Institut de France and the Yves Rocher Foundation.