Shweta Majumdar Adur Author

Bandana Purkayastha is professor of sociology and Asian American studies at the University of Connecticut. She is the author of several books, former deputy editor of Gender & Society, and president-elect of Sociologists for Women in Society. Shweta Majumdar Adur is a Ph.D. candidate in sociology at the University of Connecticut. She holds a Masters in international development from the University of Pittsburgh and a graduate certificate in Asian studies and a masters in sociology from Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi. Miho Iwata is an advanced graduate student in sociology at the University of Connecticut with a graduate certificate in women’s studies. Ranita Ray is an advanced graduate student in sociology at the University of Connecticut.Trisha Tiamzon is earning her Ph.D. in sociology and a certificate in women’s studies at the University of Connecticut.