Shveta Singh Author

Prof. Shveta Singh is a Professor and the Area Chair of Finance at the Department of Management Studies (DMS), Indian Institute of Technology (IIT Delhi), India. She is also the co-coordinator of the National Centre on Corporate Governance (accredited by the National Foundation on Corporate Governance (NFCG)) at DMS. She teaches courses like entrepreneurial finance, management accounting and financial management, Indian financial system, security analysis and portfolio management, professional ethics, corporate governance & CSR. She has contributed to various research and consulting assignments for Government of India and international organizations. Overall, she has nearly two decades of professional experience, having spent three years in the corporate sector prior to joining academics. She has published nearly 100 research papers in journals and conferences of national and international repute. She has co-authored three research monographs, two of which were published by Springer: (i) “Cash Dividend and Shares Repurchase Announcements: Impact on Returns, Liquidity and Risk in the Indian Context”; (ii) “Financial Management Practices: An Empirical Study of Indian Corporates”; (iii) “Equity Market in India: Returns, Risk and Price Multiples”. She has been honoured by the “Leadership” award, which she accepted on behalf of IIT Delhi from the Institute of Business and Finance Research at the Global Conference on Business and Finance in USA. She has also won the “Best in Session” award at the same conference. She has also been honoured twice with the “Literati” award for outstanding research by Emerald Publishing Inc. She has also received a mention for the “Most Downloaded Paper”, published in the Journal of Advances in Management Research.

Prof. Surendra S. Yadav received his Bachelor of Technology (B. Tech.) from Indian Institute of Technology (I.I.T.) Kanpur, MBA from University of Delhi, DESS (equivalent to M.Phil.) from University of Paris and Ph.D. in management from University of Paris 1 Pantheon-Sorbonne, France. He teaches corporate finance, international finance, international business, and security analysis & portfolio management. His research interests are in all these areas and general management. He has been delivering lectures at various institutions in India as well as abroad. He has been visiting professor at University of Paris, INSEEC Paris, Paris School of Management and at University of Tampa, Florida, USA. Prof. Surendra S. Yadav has published fourteen books – thirteen in areas of finance and international finance in English and one on India in French. He has guided 23 Ph.Ds. He has published 180 research papers in research journals. He has contributed more than 125 papers in academic conferences and four chapters in edited books. Besides, he has published about three dozen articles in financial/economic newspapers. He is editor-in-chief of the Journal of Advances in Management Research (JAMR).