Shiri Pearlman-Avnion Editor

Dr. Susan Lowinger is a developmental and clinical psychologist who worked as the Chief Psychologist in Developmental Clinics, and lectured in the Education Department at Bar Ilan University.  She has a great deal of experience training teams of professionals in the field as well as working with autistic individuals and their families in her private practice. In recent years, Dr. Lowinger edited five books about the diagnosis and treatment of autism.
Dr. Shiri Pearlman-Avnion is an Educational Psychologist currently working as a full time lecturer at Tel-Chai College.  In addition, she runs a private clinic as a psychologist, mainly working with people on the autism spectrum (Approval for continued therapy and diagnosis of children, adolescents and adults with autism, Ministry of Health, 2013).  She held a postdoctoral fellowship (National Alliance for Autism Research, NAAR) at BUMC (Boston University Medical School), Boston, 2002-2005.