Shaping School Success
8 authors - Paperback
Katrina Barker is Associate Professor in the School of Education and Director of the Academic Program (Primary) at Western Sydney University. Katrina’s research programme centres on the science of evaluation and inclusive education, with a particular focus on improving the academic and psychosocial wellbeing outcomes of disadvantaged children and young people.
Shiralee Poed is Chair of the Association for Positive Behaviour Support Australia and is an ex officio member of the international Association for Positive Behaviour Support. She holds the position of Associate Professor at the University of Queensland and is Honorary Principal Fellow at the University of Melbourne Graduate School of Education.
Phillip Whitefield has worked as a teacher, school principal, and consultant in New South Wales schools. For many years he has provided technical assistance to schools implementing School-wide Positive Behaviour Support. He is currently a research student at the University of Sydney.