Foundations of Nanotechnology - Three Volume Set
6 authors - Set / collection
Dr. Sabu Thomas is the director of the School of Chemical Sciences, Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam, India. He is also a full professor of polymer science and engineering and the director of the International and InterUniversity Centre for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology of the same university. He is a fellow of many professional bodies. Professor Thomas has authored or co-authored many papers in international peer-reviewed journals in the area of polymer processing. He has organized several international conferences and has more than 420 publications, 11 books, and 2 patents to his credit. He has been involved in a number of books both as author and editor. He is a reviewer to many international journals and has received many awards for his excellent work in polymer processing. His h Index is 42. Professor Thomas was ranked five on the list of Most Productive Researchers in India in 2008.
Saeedeh Rafiei is a professional textile engineer and a Research Fellow at Technopark, Kerala. Saeed Rafiei earned aBSc in textile engineering, anMSc on textile engineering, and has published several papers in journals and conferences.
Shima Maghsoodlou is a professional textile engineer and a Research Fellow at Technopark, Kerala.Shima Maghsoodlou received a BSc in textile engineering, anMSc in textile engineering,and has published several papers in journals and conferences.
Arezoo Afzali is a professional textile engineer and a Research Fellow at Technopark, Kerala. She has a BSc in textile engineering, an MSc in textile engineering, and has published several papers in journals and conferences.