Words That Change Minds
Shelle Rose Charvet - Paperback
L. Michael Hall is a Cognitive Psychologist who through research into NLP and Self-Actualization Psychology is now a modeler of human excellence; he has completed 15 modeling projects from Resilience, Women in Leadership, Self-Actualization, Coaching, Self-Actualizing Leaders, Managers, and Companies, Selling, Defusing, Wealth Creation, etc. He has authored 50 NLP books and a series on Meta-Coaching. Michael co-founded the ISNS (International Society of Neuro-Semantics) and the MCF (Meta-Coaching Foundation) and is an internationally renowned trainer. Shelle Rose Charvet has been learning NLP since 1983 and became a Certified NLP Trainer in 1992. She has been exploring Rodger Bailey's Language and Behavior Profile (LAB Profile) since she encountered it at Institut Repere in Paris in the mid-1980s.Today she is known in the NLP community as the 'Queen of LAB Profile' because of her books Words That Change Minds (1997) and The Customer is Bothering Me (2010) - and the LAB Profile training she delivers to NLP institutes around the world. She also works with businesses and organisations to help them transform communication with customers and solve other influencing and persuasion challenges. Shelle speaks English, French and Spanish and is currently learning German.