Applied Ethics and Human Rights
Shashi Motilal - Paperback
Dr. (Ms.) Shashi Motilal (Retd.) Professor of Philosophy, Department of Philosophy, University of Delhi, India, obtained her PhD from the State University of New York (SUNY) at Buffalo, USA. She has authored several articles published in national and international journals. She has co-authored Human Rights, Gender and Environment, New Delhi: Allied Publishers (2006, 2011), co-edited Social Inequality: Concerns of Human Rights, Gender and Environment, New Delhi: Macmillan Publishing Co. (2010) and edited Applied Ethics and Human Rights: Conceptual Analysis and Contextual Applications. London: Anthem Press. (2010). She has been a member of the Committee for the Purpose of Control and Supervision of Experiments on Animals (CPCSEA) , Ministry of Environment, Forests and CLimate Change, Government of India, and a member of the Institutional Ethics Committee at TERI, New Delhi, India.
Keya Maitra is a Professor of Philosophy at the University of North Carolina Asheville, USA. Her current research and teaching interests include feminist philosophy of mind, Third World feminism, epistemology of mindfulness, and Hindu and Buddhist philosophies. She is the author of two books, including, most recently, The Philosophy of the Bhagavad Gita: A Contemporary Introduction (Bloomsbury, 2018). Her articles have appeared in journals including Asian Philosophy, Hypatia, Philosophy: East and West, Southern Journal of Philosophy, Journal of the American Philosophical Association, and Philosophy in the Contemporary World among others. Her book chapters have appeared in anthologies from Columbia University Press, Routledge and Bloomsbury Academic. Her co-edited Feminist Philosophy of Mind is forthcoming from Oxford University Press. Prakriti Prajapati is a Research Associate at the Centre for Policy Research, New Delhi. Her research interests lie at the intersection of environmental governance, critical theory and public policy. She is passionate about ethics education in engineering and public policy, and has served as a guest faculty in professional ethics at the Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi.