Sharon Steuer Author

Sharon Steuer has been teaching, exhibiting, and writing in the digital art world since 1983. Sharon is the originator and lead author of The Adobe Illustrator WOW! Book series (this is the fifteenth version of the book), as well as Creative Thinking in Photoshop: A New Approach to Digital Art (no longer in print). In between publishing projects, Sharon is a full-time artist working in traditional and digital media, often posting tutorials about her art practice in her “Digital Art Studio” column on She lives in San Francisco with the love of her life, her sound and radio professor husband Jeff Jacoby ( She is extremely grateful to have this opportunity to get the WOW! team back together, and she thanks the kind folks at Peachpit/ Pearson, Adobe, and of course the amazingly talented WOW! artists for making this book possible. Find links to her online digital art courses at Keep in touch with her via and on social media @SharonSteuer.