Shaoying Liu Editor & Author

Shaoying Liu is a professor at Hiroshima University, Japan, an IEEE fellow, BCS Fellow, AAIA fellow, and a pioneer in Formal Engineering Methods. He received a Ph.D. at the University of Manchester, UK, in 1992 and has experienced working at nine universities in China, the UK, and Japan, respectively. He developed the SOFL Formal Engineering Method and the techniques for specification-based program inspection, testing-based formal verification, and human-machine pair programming. He received 2022 and 2020 “Distinguished Research Awards” from IPSJ/SIGSE, the “20 Year ICFEM Impact Award” from ICFEM 2018, “IEEE Reliability Society Japan Joint Chapter 2016 Best Paper Award,” and “Outstanding Paper Award’’ from ICECCS’96. He has served as an associate editor for IEEE Transactions on Reliability, Software Testing, Verification and Reliability (STVR), and Innovations in Systems and Software Engineering, respectively.