The Burning House
Shantigarbha - Paperback
Communication (NVC). After studying Classics and Philosophy at Keble College, Oxford, he devoted himself full-time to the Buddha's teachings. Ordained into the Triratna Buddhist Order in 1996, he was given the name Shantigarbha, which means 'Seed or Womb of Peace'. Through his practice of Buddhism he came across NVC and has been sharing it as a certified trainer since 2004. Within the Triratna Buddhist Community he holds responsibilities as an Order Convenor, a member of the International Council, and supporting restorative practices. He has trained members of Extinction Rebellion in nonviolence and de-escalation skills. His first book, I'll Meet You There: A Practical Guide to Empathy, Mindfulness and Communication, came out in 2018, published by Windhorse Publications. For more information about Shantigarbha, The Burning House, and Nonviolent Communication courses, visit his website at