Shanti Moorthy Editor

Ashraf Jamal is Senior Lecturer in Art History and Visual Culture at Rhodes University, South Africa. He has published numerous essays and monographs, namely Predicaments of Culture in South Africa and the co-authored Art in South Africa: The Future Present. With Shanti Moorthy he has edited an anthology of Southeast Asian fiction. He is also a director-playwright and fiction writer. Shanti Moorthy holds a medical degree from Melbourne University and is a Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons, Edinburgh. Formerly a dancer and nattuvanar with the Melbourne based Bharatam Dance Company and freelance scriptwriter for the Bombay based Antah UTV in Malaysia, Shanti is now a consultant otolaryngologist and Senior Lecturer in Anatomy at Monash University. She co-edited the final volume of Silverfish New Writing 7 in 2007 with Ashraf Jamal and is completing an MA in English Literature, situating the works of Abdulrazak Gurnah in the Indian Ocean World.