Shannon Holzer Author & Editor

Shannon Holzer has earned degrees in the areas of religion, philosophy of religion and ethics, and religion, politics, and society. He received his undergraduate degree in religion from Wayland Baptist University in Hawaii. His area of interest was biblical studies. Dr. Holzer then earned his M.A. in philosophy of religion and ethics from BIOLA University’s Talbot School of Theology. He received his Ph.D. in religion, politics, and society fom Baylor University’s J.M. Dawson Institute of Church-State Studies. He has published as a public academic in popular journals as well as in legal journals and peer reviewed publications. Dr. Holzer is a sought after speaker on the subject of church and state, just war theory, and natural law. During his time as a professor, he has taught graduate level and undergraduate courses on world religions, religion and politics, epistemology, religious epistemology, Christian history and thought, philosophy of god, ancient philosophy, analytic philosophy, logic, and ethics.