Numenera: The Night Clave
2 authors - Paperback
Monte Cook has worked as a professional writer for more than 20 years. As a fiction writer, he has published numerous short stories and two novels. As a comic book writer, he has written a limited series for Marvel Comics called Monte Cook's Ptolus: City by the Spire, as well as some shorter work. As a nonfiction writer, he has published the wry but informative The Skeptic's Guide to Conspiracies. His work, however, as a game designer, is likely most notable. Since 1988, he has written hundreds of tabletop roleplaying game books and articles and won numerous awards. Monte is likely best known for Dungeons & Dragons 3rd Edition, which he co-designed with Jonathan Tweet and Skip Williams. In 2001, he started his own game design studio, Malhavoc Press, and published such notable and award-winning products as Ptolus, Arcana Evolved, and the Book of Eldritch Might series. As a freelance game designer, he designed HeroClix and Monte Cook's World of Darkness, and he has worked on the Pathfinder RPG, the Marvel Comics massively multiplayer online game, and numerous other games and related projects. He is the designer of Numenera. montecookgames.com twitter.com/montejcook Author hometown: Seattle, WA Shanna Germain is the creative director for Numenera and The Strange. An award-winning writer and editor, her poems, essays, stories, novellas, and articles have been widely published in places like Apex Magazine, Best American Erotica, Best Bondage Erotica, Best Lesbian Romance, Lightspeed, Salon and more. She has garnered a variety of awards for her work, including a Pushcart Prize nomination, the Rauxa Prize for Erotic Poetry, and the C Hamilton Bailey Poetry Fellowship. Her most recent books include The Lure of Dangerous Women (Wayzgoose Press, 2012), Leather Bound (HarperCollins, 2013), and As Kinky As You Wanna Be (Cleis Press, 2014). shannagermain.com twitter.com/shannagermain Author hometown: Seattle, WA