Shalini Kanagasingam Editor

The Editors

Elizabeth Shin Perry DMD, FICD is Lecturer/Clinical Instructor of Postgraduate Endodontics at the Harvard School of Dental Medicine and Specialist Endodontist in Westfield, Massachusetts, USA

Shanon Patel BDS, MSc, MClinDent, MRD, PhD, FDS, FHEA is Professor of Endodontology at KCL Dental Institute, Consultant Endodontist at Guy’s & St. Thomas’ NHS Trust, and Specialist Endodontist in London, UK

Shalini Kanagasingam BDS, MClinDent, MFDS, MRestDent, FHEA is Senior Clinical Lecturer in the School of Medicine & Dentistry at University of Central Lancashire, Consultant Endodontist at King’s College Hospital NHS Trust in London, UK

Samantha Hamer BDS, MFDS, MSc, MClinDent, MEndo is a Specialty Dentist at King’s College Hospital NHS Trust and Specialist Endodontist in London, UK