Shahrzad Saremi Author

Dr. Shahrzad Saremi is a lecturer at Griffith College, Griffith University, Australia. She received her BA in Information Technology from the Malaysian Multi Media University and M.Sc in Interaction Design from the University of Queensland. Dr. Saremi has published more than 20 articles in high-impact journals. Her main research interests include machine learning, optimization, human-computer interaction, augmented reality and gesture detection.

Dr. Seyedali Mirjalili is a lecturer at Griffith College, Griffith University and internationally recognized for his advances in nature-inspired Artificial Intelligence (AI) techniques. He is the author of five books, 100 journal articles, 20 conference papers, and 20 book chapters. With over 10000 citations and H-index of 40, he is one of the most influential AI researchers in the world.  From Google Scholar metrics, he is globally the 3rd most cited researcher in Engineering Optimisation and Robust Optimisation using AI techniques. He has been the keynote speaker of several international conferences and is serving as an associate editor of top AI journals including Applied Soft Computing, Applied Intelligence, IEEE Access, Advances in Engineering Software, and Applied Intelligence.