Scotty Cade Author

Scotty Cade left corporate America and twenty-five years of marketing and public relations in 2004 to buy an inn & restaurant on the island of Martha's Vineyard with Kell, his husband of over twenty years.
He started writing stories as soon as he could read, but only in the last eight years for publication. When not at the inn, you can find him on the bow of his boat writing romance novels with his Shetland sheepdog, Mavis, at his side. Being from the South and a lover of commitment and fidelity, all of his characters find their way to long, healthy relationships, however long it takes them to get there. He believes that, in the end, the boy should always get the boy.
Scotty and Kell are avid boaters and spend the summers on Martha's Vineyard and winters in Greenville, South Carolina.
Twitter: @ScottyCade
[email protected]