Yahweh Remembered
Scott Reid - Paperback
The Editors: Howard Giles is Professor of Communication at the University of California, Santa Barbara and previously Professor of Social Psychology as well as Head of Psychology at the University of Bristol, England. He is current and Founding Editor and Co-Editor of the Journal of Language & Social Psychology and the Journal of Asian Pacific Communication as well as past President of the International Communication Association and the International Association of Language and Social Psychology. His research explores very different areas of applied intergroup communication research and theory, with a focus on intergenerational communication and aging across cultures and, more recently, police-civilian relations.
Scott Reid is an Associate Professor in the Department of Communication at the University of California, Santa Barbara. His research interests are in social identity, group processes, and intergroup relations. He has published empirical and theoretical work on leadership, status hierarchy formation in small groups, power, media uses and perceptions, and social influence.
Jake Harwood is Professor of Communication at the University of Arizona. He is author of Understanding Communication and Aging (2007) and co-editor of Intergroup Communication: Multiple Perspectives (Peter Lang, 2005). His recent publications have appeared in Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, Journal of Communication, and Communication Monographs. He was editor of Human Communication Research from 2006-2009. In 2004, he was the recipient of the National Communication Association’s Giles/Nussbaum Distinguished Scholar Award for outstanding teaching, scholarship, and service to the field of communication and aging.