Saurabh Gupta Author & Editor

Since the time Saurabh Gupta was introduced to Oracle database by chance and not by choice, he has been synchronizing his on job and off job interests with Oracle database programming. As an Oracle 11g Certified Advanced PL/SQL Professional, he soon moved from programming to database designing, development, and administration. During the phase when he specialized in database modelling, development and tuning, he was an active Oracle blogger and OTN forum member. To date, he has authored more than 70 online articles and papers. His works can be noted at RMOUG SQL> Update journal, PSOUG (, DBANOTES (, EXFORSYS (, and CLUB-ORACLE ( He shares his technical encounters in Oracle technologies on his own blogging venture He is an AIOUG (All India Oracle Users Group) member and loves to participate in technical meets and conferences. Besides digging into Oracle, sketching and snooker are other past times for him. One can reach him through his blog SbhOracle for any comments, suggestions or feedback regarding this book.