Modular Treatment Approach for Drinking Water and Wastewater
3 contributors - Paperback
Satinder Kaur Brar is a Professor and James and Joanne Love Chair in environmental engineering at the Department of Civil Engineering, York University, Ontario, Canada. She holds Master’s Degrees in Organic Chemistry and in Environmental Sciences and Engineering, and a Ph.D. in Environmental Biotechnology. She was recently inducted into the European Academy of Sciences in 2021 and is also a member of the College of New Scholars, Scientist and Artists of the Royal Society of Canada, since 2014. She has authored more than 400 research publications, including 11 books, 86 chapters and 280 original research papers, and has 4 patents. Saurabh Jyoti Sarma is a researcher at INRS-ETE, Canada, and has completed his Ph.D. from the same institute. He is one of the associate editors of “Nanotechnology for Environmental Engineering, an international journal of Springer. He is also a guest editor of “Biofuels (Special issue: Biorefinery for fuels and platform chemicals), an international journal published by Tailors & Francis. Before joining INRS-ETE he had received a research fellowship from DST, government of India and for nearly 3 years he had worked as a research fellow at IIT Guwahati, India. He is a recipient of prestigious merit scholarship for foreign students (FQRNT) offered by Government of Canada; postdoctoral research fellowship of University of Calgary, Canada; doctoral research fellowship of INRS-ETE, Canada; supplementary grant for doctoral study from CRIQ, Canada as well as travel grant (Brazil) offered by ministry of international relation, Quebec, Canada. His expertise includes pilot scale (2000 l) fermentation, pilot scale ultrafiltration and nano-spray drying technology, preparation and characterization of nanoparticles for biorefinery and environmental uses, designing and application of microbial electrolysis/electro-synthesis cells for biofuel such as hydrogen and biobutanol production, and solid state fermentation for enzyme production. Including research articles, book chapters and journal editorials, he has about 64 publications. Kannan Pakshirajan is a Professor at the Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati, India. He researches on biological removal of heavy metals and xeonobiotics such as phenolics, dyes, polycyclic aromatic compounds, perchlorate, etc. from contaminated water, air and soil, and resource recovery, mainly biofuels, from waste materials. He is a recipient of many awards and honours, which include besides others Hiyoshi Young Leaf Award, BOYSCAST Fellowship (by the Department of Science and Technology, Government of India), Indian National Science Academy (INSA) Award for Young Scientist, National Academy of Sciences India (NASI) Young Scientist Award, Bioresource Technology Journal Top Reviewer Award (by Elsevier Publications). He has authored and co-authored over 90 peer-reviewed journal publications, produced seven PhDs and currently guides nine PhD students.