Saron Messembe Obia Author

Mr. Saron Messembe Obia is a security experts and consultant with focus on cyber security, counter terrorism and jihadist tendencies. He holds a Post Graduate Diploma in Criminology and Security Management, and Master of Science degree in Security Studies from Pan African Institute for Development - West Africa (PAID-WA). He is a Member and Ambassador FOR African Continent of Global Socio-Economic And Financial Evolution Network-GSFEN, Counter Terrorism Analyst for the Islamic Theology of Counter Terrorism-ITCT, UK based Counter Islamist Terrorism Think Tank and Honorary editor for Crime and More World, Green Park, Kolkata-700078, West Bengal, India. He has also been the Assistant Editor and IACSP SEA Representative for Cameroon Publication Division, International Association for Counter Terrorism and Security Professionals South East Asia-IACSP SEA, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Mr. Saron has written many research articles on contemporary issues such as Counter Terrorism, Jihadist Tendencies, Cyber Security, Religious Conflicts and security strategy which have been published in various research think tank and newspapers, as well as presented papers, on invitation, in a numerous of Conferences.