Sarah Zimmerman Author

Sarah Zimmerman is a self-taught crocheter who picked up her first hook shortly after her second child was born. Wanting to make fun hats for her kids, she watched online videos and followed book tutorials, learning to crochet quickly and unleashing a hidden talent she never knew she had! She decided to take her hobby and passion for crochet to the next level and started writing her own patterns. A graduate from the University of Washington with a degree in visual arts and a graphic designer by trade, Sarah has an eye for design and colour that is reflected in her crochet projects. Sarah's craft and crochet blog, Repeat Crafter Me, is full of new and unique patterns that are trendy and seasonal, as well as many animal and character hats for babies and kids. She is known for having easy to follow tutorials and detailed step-by-step photos. Her blog is also a great resource for kids crafts, DIY projects, Crock Pot recipes, and tons of inspiration.