Your Lord Has Not Forsaken You
2 authors - Paperback
Najwa Awad is alicensedclinical socialworker that has provided mental healthservices to individuals and families for over 15 years. She has a privatepractice that offers psychotherapy and EMDR to women and children, andspecializes in treating depression, anxiety, trauma and familyconflict.Najwa enjoys giving workshops to promote psychological healthfrom an Islamic perspective and is a Fellow at the Yaqeen Institute for IslamicResearch.
Sarah Sultan is a licensed professional counselor. Sheobtained a Master's Degree in Mental Health Counseling and has practicedtherapy for over 10 years. She is also an instructor with Mishkah Universityand AlMaghrib Institute where she teaches courses about the intersectionsbetween Islam, psychology, and counseling and is a researchfellow atYaqeen Institute for Islamic Research.