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Sarah Rice - Paperback
Professor Tim Noakes is the author or co-author of more than 550 scientific publications and is on the Editorial Boards of more than 10 international scientific publications. Professor Noakes has been cited more than 16 000 times in the scientific literature, has an H index of 68 and is rated an A1 scientist by the National Research Foundation of South Africa. His latest book, Lore of Nutrition, published in 2017, explains the science behind the low-carb, high-fat/Banting diet, and why he champions this lifestyle despite the constant persecution and efforts to silence him. He also discusses at length what he has come to see as a medical and scientific code of silence that discourages anyone in the profession from speaking out against the current dietary guidelines. Tamzyn Murphy is a registered dietitian with an MSc (Med) Physiology (Dist.) degree investigating Low Carbohydrate High Fat (LCHF) diets in Type 2 Diabetes. Currently Tamzyn works as a lecturer, course developer, and content writer for Nutrition Network, an online LCHF training platform for healthcare professionals. Tamzyn is co-founder and practicing dietitian at Real Food Dietitians – a practice which focuses on low carbohydrate approaches to treat metabolic diseases. Previously, Tamzyn spent 6 years as Nutrition Editor and writer at Health Intelligence magazine, while working in the supplement industry in training and nutritional supplement research and development. Tamzyn is co-author of the Sugar Free book (2015), writes online articles and conducts print, online, television and radio interviews. After qualifying as a dietitian in 2009, Tamzyn worked in poor South African communities, which sparked her passion for understanding nutrition’s role in the rising epidemics of obesity and related metabolic diseases. Dr Neville Wellington is a GP and managing practitioner at Kenilworth Medicross. He has been working in medicine for over 21 years, with paediatrics and diabetes among his main passions. He completed a two-year Postgraduate Diploma in Diabetes in 2012 and now runs a Centre for Diabetes and Endocrinology (CDE), overseeing 13 doctors, a diabetes educator and a dietician. Neville is a staunch advocate of a low-carb lifestyle. Dr Wellington received a MBChB from the University of Cape Town in 1990, DCH (SA) in 1993, and PGDD from Cardiff University in 2012. Dr Hassina Kajee is a board member and Medical Director of the Nutrition Network. Dr Kajee is a Specialist Physician, Registrar of Internal Medicine and Undergraduate Course Convener and Lecturer for medical students. Dr Kajee was a Senior Medical Officer in the high care unit of a tertiary level hospital in South Africa for a number of years and ran an obesity clinic. She has a very strong interest in preventative medicine and educating and empowering patients with regards to a disease-specific lifestyle. She has a special interest in and knowledge about low carbohydrate high fat diets and actively employs these principles both at home and in her practice. Jayne believes research in healthcare needs better funding and strong minds. As the Chief Operating Officer of The Noakes Foundation, she established Eat Better South Africa alongside inspiring colleagues and Prof Noakes and believes in building stronger collaboration in the nutrition and science game. After realizing the dichotomy between brand research budgets and human health research, she decided to leave the formal research world, committed to bringing her global experience in big biz research, systems, and policy change expertise into new areas to affect change to human health. Jayne is an MBA Chevening Scholar, High Dip in Marketing and International Relations graduate. In her MBA at Leeds University, she focused on the regulation of marketing to children in the food and fast food categories, later conducting Pan European media research and strategy evaluation in this area for various global health bodies and brands. As an extension of her collaborative vision for the future of human health and better healthcare systems, she co-founded Nutrition Network and has been its Managing Director since it was founded in 2018. Sarah Rice qualified in the U.K as an optometrist with a BSc. (Hons) MCOptom degree and worked in private practice and NHS hospital eye service. Having developed an interest in therapeutic carbohydrate restriction her current focus is on researching and curating references and other resources that support clinicians' use of this approach in the support of metabolic health and disease management. She researched and curated the references for the Nutrition Network reference resource which she updates monthly. Sarah is an accredited member of the Society of Metabolic Health Practitioners and a certified Nutrition Network Medical Practitioner. Candice is a Bachelor of Laws and Bachelor of Social Sciences UCT graduate, but her true passion lies in all things health and nutrition-related. She is a keen foodie and is knowledgeable about the TCR / Keto environment. Candice was The Noakes Foundations Communications Executive for three years and is now the Project Director of the Nutrition Network. She is thrilled to be a part of a team that is changing the way people around the world think about food and nutrition.