Developing European Internal Security Policy
2 contributors - Hardback
Christian Kaunert is Senior Lecturer in EU Politics & International Relations at the University of Salford, Marie Curie Senior Research Fellow at the European University Institute, Florence, and Editor of the Journal for Contemporary European Research (JCER). He has previously published European Internal Security: Towards Supranational Governance in the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice (2010).
Sarah Léonard is Lecturer in International Security at the University of Salford, and Marie Curie Research Fellow, Sciences Po Paris, France. She is also Editor of the Journal of Contemporary European Research (JCER).
Patryk Pawlak is Research Fellow at the European Union Institute for Security Studies in Paris. He holds a PhD in Political Science from the European University Institute in Florence (EUISS). Prior to joining the EUISS, Patryk was a visiting scholar at numerous research institutions, including the Center for Transatlantic Relations (Washington, DC).