Sarah Gormley Editor

Barrie Hartwell is Honorary Curator and formerly Senior Research Officer in Archaeology at Queens University Belfast. He directed excavations at Ballynahatty from 1990 to 2000 after discovering the site through aerial reconnaissance. Sarah Gormley is an archaeologist who has led a range of surveys, excavation and post-excavation programmes with the Centre for Archaeological Fieldwork, Queen’s University Belfast. Sarah organised the Data Structure Report for Ballynahatty and the excavations were the subject of her masters research. Catriona Brogan is a Research Fellow at Queen’s University Belfast. She received her PhD in 2015 and has since gone on to work as a Research Assistant for the ERC funded Fragsus Project and was awarded a MSCA-IF grant in 2018 for the MaltaPot project. Her main research interests are the Neolithic sites of Ireland and prehistoric pottery characterisation. Caroline Malone is Emeritus Professor of Prehistory at Queen’s University Belfast. She has undertaken archaeological fieldwork in Malta, Italy and Scotland, and since her first post as Curator of the Alexander Keiller Museum at Avebury, she has maintained a keen interest in ritual monuments in Neolithic Britain and Ireland and written extensively on European prehistory.