Adult Congenital Heart Disease
2 contributors - Paperback
Dr Sara Thorne is a Consultant Cardiologist at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Birmingham, UK. Dr Thorne founded the hospital's Adult Cogenital Heart Disease Unit in 2000 having previously been a consultant at the Royal Brompton Hospital. She lectures nationallya nd itnernationally on congenital heart disease and cardiac disease and pregnancy, and is a lead consultant for training in adult congenital heart disease. Dr Sarah Bowater is a Consultant Cardiologist at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Birmingham, UK. She joined the Adult Congenital Heart Disease unit in 2014 after completing training in congenital heart disease in Birmingham. Her specialist interests included the management of advanced congenital heart disease, and she is developing a programme of supportive care in congenital heart disease and heart failure. She also has experise in pregnancy in heart disease.