Sara Pesce Editor

Sara Pesce teaches film history and performance studies at the University of Bologna. She’s published on the historical roots of Hollywood, cultural memory, and performance. She wrote books on Hollywood Jewish founders (Dietro lo schermo, 2005), on WWII memory in Italian film (Memoria e Immaginario, 2008), on Laurence Olivier (Laurence Olivier nei film, 2012). Paolo Noto is Lecturer in film history at the University of Bologna. He is one of the editors in chief of L'avventura. Internation Journal of Italian Film and Media Landscapes and the secretary of the open access journal SERIES ( He has authored two books, dedicated to the Italian neorealism (Il cinema neorealista, with Francesco Pitassio, 2010) and to the application of genre theory to the Italian post-war cinema (Dal bozzetto ai generi, 2011).