Research Ethics Consultation
8 authors - Paperback
Marion Danis is Head of the Section on Ethics and Health Policy, Department of Bioethics, NIH. Emily Largent is Post-baccalaureate Fellow, Department of Bioethics, Clinical Center, NIH. Christine Grady is Acting Chief, Department of Bioethics and Head, Section on Human Subjects Research, NIH. David Wendler is Head, Unit on Vulnerable Populations, Dept. of Bioethics, NIH. Sara Chandros Hull is Director, Bioethics Core, Office of the Clinical DirectorNational Human Genome Research Institute, NIH. Seema Shah is with the Departments of AIDS, NIAID and Clinical Bioethics, CC, NIH. Joseph Millum is Bioethicist, Clinical Center, Department of Bioethics & Fogarty International Center, NIH. Benjamin Berkman is with the Department of Bioethics (Clinical Center), NIH.