Sara Brenner Author

Dr. Sara Brenner is a preventive medicine and public health physician at the College of Nanoscale Science and Engineering (CNSE), State University of New York, serving as the assistant vice president for NanoHealth Initiatives and an assistant professor of nanobioscience. Her research and initiatives aim to develop novel nanotechnology applications in the life sciences, including medicine and public health. She worked state and industry leaders to build the NanoHealth and Safety Center at CNSE, a public–private partnership that is addressing gaps in our understanding of the safety and risk associated with the unique characteristics of nanoscale materials. She is also the CNSE program director of the MD/PhD program in medicine and nanoscale science or engineering, a program that she helped cofound with SUNY Downstate Medical Center. It is the first dual-degree clinical training program in nanomedicine that aims to produce a new, hybrid generation of physician researchers.