Sapna Thapa Author

Virginia Lea, Ph.D, is Executive Director of the Educultural Foundation, and Professor of Education Emerita at Sonoma State University and the University of Wisconsin-Stout. Her several books, articles and curricula focus on unmasking cultural hegemony and white supremacy, and contributing to greater equity, social justice, antiracism, and educulturalism.

Dr. Sapna Thapa is an Associate Professor and Coordinator of the Urban Early Childhood Teacher Education at Metro State University in Saint Paul, Minnesota. Her research areas focus on cross-cultural investigations of equity, quality, and diversity in early childhood teacher education. Her publications include articles related to policies on equity and quality in early childhood education and how globalization has raised the expectations of readiness for young children.

Emily Hines, Ed.D, is a Professor of Reading at the University of WisconsinStout. She facilitates graduate reading programs and online professional development for K-12 educators. Emily’s research focus is literacy and diversity, where she believes the two intersect and are interdependent. Emily continues to grow and develop in her cultural competence and antiracism efforts.