Sanneke van Hassel - Paperback
Sanneke van Hassel writes and promotes short stories. She made her debut in 2005 with IJsregen, a short story collection praised for its slightly absurd atmosphere, poetic style and attention to detail. It was nominated for the Vrouw en Kultuur debut prize 2005 and for the Selexyz debutantenprijs 2006. Since then she has published several collections, essays and novels, including Witte veder, which won the BNG Literature Prize 2007. In 2013, Van Hassel was awarded the triennial Anna Blaman Prize for her entire oeuvre. Although she is seen as one of the leading Dutch exponents of the genre, this will be her first solo book in English. Amongst other single translations, her story, ‘Indian Time’ was included in The Penguin Book of Dutch Short Stories, and praised by the TLS. Her stories have also been translated into German, Bosnian, Serbian, Korean and in Croatian.