Sanjaya Mishra Editor

Sanjaya Mishra is one of the leading scholars in open, distance, and online learning, with extensive experience in teaching, staff development, research, policy development, innovation, and organisational development. With a multi-disciplinary background in education, information science, communication media, and learning and development, Dr Mishra promotes the use of educational multimedia, eLearning, open educational resources, and open access to scientific information to increase access to quality education and lifelong learning for all. He has designed and developed award-winning online courses and platforms. Dr Mishra has served the Indira Gandhi National Open University in New Delhi India; the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization in Paris, France; the Commonwealth Educational Media Centre for Asia in New Delhi, India; and the Commonwealth of Learning in Vancouver, Canada.

Santosh Panda recently retired as Director of the Staff Training & Research Institute of Distance Education (STRIDE) and the Malviya Mission Teacher Training Centre at Indira Gandhi National Open University, India. Professor Panda has above forty years of experience in university teaching, research and administration, including thirty-seven years for open and distance learning at IGNOU. He has been a Fulbright Scholar; Chairperson of National Council for Teacher Education (national regulator) for the Government of India; Director of Policy & Research at the Association of Indian Universities; and Director of Distance & Flexible Learning at The University of the South Pacific, Fiji. An internationally recognised leader of ODL from the Global South, he has presented keynotes and workshops in over thirty countries; and has consulted for ADB, COL, DfID, IDRC, SADC, UNESCO, and the World Bank.