Policing during the COVID-19 Pandemic
4 contributors - Paperback
Sanja Kutnjak Ivkovich is Associate Professor at the School of Criminal Justice, Michigan State University. Her research focuses on international/comparative criminology, criminal justice, and law. She is the author of The Fallen Blue Knights: Controlling Police Corruption (Oxford University Press, 2005) and Lay Participation in Criminal Trials (Austin & Winfield, 1999). She is the co-author with Carl Klockars and Maria R. Haberfeld of Enhancing Police Integrity (Springer, 2006) and co-editor with Carl Klockars and Maria Haberfeld of Contours of Police Integrity (Sage, 2004), which received American Society of Criminology International Division Honorable Mention. Her work has appeared in leading academic and law journals, such as the Law and Society Review, Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology, Criminology and Public Policy, Law and Policy, Stanford Journal of International Law, Cornell International Law Journal. John Hagan is John D. MacArthur Professor of Sociology and Law at Northwestern University and Co-Director of the Center on Law & Globalization at the American Bar Foundation in Chicago. He received the Stockholm Prize in Criminology in 2009 and was elected in 2010 to the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. Professor Hagan is the Editor of the Annual Review of Law & Social Science. His research with a network of scholars spans topics from war crimes and human rights to the legal profession. He is the co-author with Wenona Rymond-Richmond of Darfur and the Crime of Genocide (Cambridge University Press 2009), which received the American Sociological Association Crime, Law and Deviance Section's Albert J. Reiss Distinguished Publication Award and the American Society of Criminology's Michael J. Hindelang Book Award.