Cultural Values, Institutions, and Trust
2 authors - Hardback
Keun Namkoong is Professor of Public Administration and Public Policy at Seoul National University of Science and Technology. He received his PhD from the University of Pittsburgh. His research interests include public policy theories and administrative and civil service reforms. He is the author, co-author, and editor of numerous books including Research Methods for Public Administration and Public Policy: Theories and Empirical Studies. He served as Editor-in Chief of Korean Public Administration Review, President of the Korean Association of Public Administration, and President of Seoul National University of Science and Technology. He currently serves as Editor-in-Chief of A Study on Korean Public Administration, a quarterly published by the Korean Institute of Public Administration.
Kyung-ho Cho is Professor of Public Administration, and Dean of the College of Social Sciences at Kookmin University, where he teaches organization theory and behavior and public personnel administration. He received his PhD from the University of Georgia. He conducts research on public management, focusing on values and motivations, organizational culture and structure; organizational behavior and performance, and human resource management in the public sector. His academic work appears in the International Journal of Public Administration; International Journal of Organizational Analysis and Social Indicators Research. He served as President of the Korean Society for Public Personnel Administration and is currently President of the Seoul Association for Public Administration.
Sangmook Kim is Professor of Public Administration at Seoul National University of Science and Technology, Seoul, Korea. His research interests include public service motivation, organizational behavior, human resources management, public management reform, and gender-related issues. His research has been published in numerous journals, including Administration & Society, the American Review of Public Administration, International Journal of Manpower, International Public Management Journal, International Review of Administrative Sciences, Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, Public Administration Review, Public Personnel Management, and Review of Public Personnel Administration.