The Narrow Doorway
Sandy Phillips - Paperback
Loren Kleinman's coverage of gun violence appeared in the Independent, New York Magazine (The Cut), The Rumpus, The New York Daily News, and more. She is the co-editor of If I Don’t Make It: I Love You: Survivors in the Aftermath of School Shootings (2019). She is the editor of the anthology Indie Authors Naked and the co-edited collection with Amye Archer My Body, My Words, which Bustle named one of the "11 New Feminist Books That Could Totally Change Your Year." Her short film, Suffering Is the Easy Part, directed and produced by Jaime Ekkens, is distributed by Seed&Spark and Docademia.
Shavaun Scott has been a psychotherapist and writer since 1991 and has worked with thousands of clients who have been victims or perpetrators of violence. She is particularly interested in trauma recovery and violence prevention and enjoys sharing stories of uncommon bravery and unconventional paths. She practices in both Oregon and California.
Sandy Phillips and Lonnie Phillips founded the organization Survivors Empowered after the slaughter of their daughter, Jessica Redfield Ghawi, and eleven others in the Aurora Colorado Theater Mass Shooting in 2012. Their original non-profit, Jessi’s Message, has grown into Survivors Empowered - a national organization created By Survivors, For Survivors, Empowering Survivors. Sandy and Lonnie’s story appeared in the documentary Under The Gun by Katie Couric and was featured in Lisa Ling’s This is Life on CNN. They’ve also been highlighted by media such as This American Life, Anderson Cooper, 60 Minutes, and more.