GMAT Prep 2024/2025 For Dummies (GMAT Focus Edition): Book + 3 Practice Tests + 100 Flashcards Online
3 authors - Paperback
Sandra Luna McCune, Ph.D. is Regents Professor currently teaching as a mathematics specialist in the Department of Elementary Education at Stephen F. Austin State University (SFASU). She is also an in-demand statistical/mathematical consultant and has served as a statistical expert witness at both the state and federal court level. A member of the American Statistical Association, the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, the Texas Academy of Science, and the CAUCUS for Women in Statistics, Dr. McCune has contributed to a number of books and academic journals. Regents Professor is the highest honor that the university has in its authority to bestow upon a member of the faculty. In addition, Dr. McCune was named SFASU Alumni Association Distinguished Professor in 2006. William D. Clark, Ph.D. has been a professor of mathematics at Stephen F. Austin State University for more than 30 years. He is a member of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics and the Mathematical Association of America, as well as a fellow of the Texas Academy of Science. Dr. Clark has won several excellence in teaching awards, including the Texas Section MAA award for Distinguished College or University Teaching in 2002. He also serves as a graduate advisor at SFASU.