Sandeep Sharma Author & Editor

Sandeep Sharma, Ph.D. (University of Groningen, The Netherlands) and M. Tech. (IIT-Delhi), is Asst. Professor at Dept. of Physics, GNDU Amritsar, Punjab. Prior to joining GNDU, he worked as an engineer at Semiconductor Laboratory (Department of Space, India) Mohali (Punjab) and Chartered Semiconductor Manufacturing (now Global Foundaries), Singapore. He has worked at various world renowned laboratories, such as MESA+ Institute for Nanotechnology at University of Twente, The Netherlands. Thereafter, he shifted to Spintronics Research Center, at National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST) Tsukuba, Japan, for his Ph.D. assignment.

With more than fourteen years of teaching and research experience in India and abroad, he has co-authored more than forty five research papers in peer-reviewed international journals including two in Nature. He is recipient of various awards like Merit fellowship (HPBOSE Dharamshala), GATE-Fellowship (MHRD-New Delhi), prestigious FOM-Fellowship (The Netherlands). He is a member of  various professional bodies like Indian Association of Physics Teachers (IAPT), Punjab Science Academy and American Chemical Society and presently serving as Member Board of Studies (BOS) at GNDU-Amritsar.