Sanda Renko Editor

Almir Peštek is a Professor at the Department of Marketing of the School of Economics and Business, University of Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina and an associate professor at RISEBA University in Riga, Latvia. He is a Fulbright post-doctoral with 20 years of teaching, consultancy and research experience, especially with local and regional tourism development projects. 
Marko Kukanja is an Assistant Professor and Head of the Tourism Management Department at Faculty of Tourism Studies – TURISTICA, University of Primorska. His research, teaching, and consultancy work is based on more than fifteen years of international work experience in the tourism industry. 
Sanda Renko is a Full Professor in the Department of Trade and International Business, Faculty of Economics and Business University of Zagreb, Croatia. She has carried out research on retailing and wholesaling, logistics, fashion retailing, channels of distribution, etc. She is the editor of Green Economy in the Western Balkans: Towards a Sustainable Future and Challenges for the Trade in CE and SE (Emerald Publishing); Supply Chain Management – New Perspectives (IntechOpen); and a guest editor in The British Food Journal, Journal of Food Products Marketing, and World Journal of Retail Business Management.