Samuele Murtinu Author

Sjoerd Beugelsdijk is Professor of International Business and Economics at the Darla Moore School of Business, University of South Carolina. He is a Fellow of the Academy of International Business and is on Stanford's list of most impactful researchers worldwide. He is editor of the FT50 Journal of International Business Studies. Steven Brakman is Professor of International Economics at the faculty of Economics and Business, University of Groningen. He is a research fellow at CESifo in Munich and Managing Editor of the Journal of Regional Science. He is an academic partner of the Netherlands Bureau for Economic Policy Analysis. Harry Garretsen is Professor of International Economics and Business, University of Groningen. He serves on the editorial boards of various international journals, is an active economic policy adviser, and a member of the Banking Council of the Dutch central bank. He co-directs, together with Janka Stoker, the In the LEAD Centre of Expertise at the University of Groningen. Charles van Marrewijk is Professor of Economics and Head of Department at Utrecht University School of Economics. He has held positions at University of Groningen, Erasmus University Rotterdam, and Xi'an Jiaotong–Liverpool University, China, and has been Head of Research at the International Institute for Housing and Urban Development, Tjalling C, Koopmans Research Institute, International Business School Suzhou, and Utrecht University School of Economics Research Institute. Charles has written more than ten books and is co-editor of three international academic journals. Samuele Murtinu is Professor of International Business and Head of the Entrepreneurship Section at Utrecht University School of Economics. He has been published in Journal of International Business Studies, Journal of Business Venturing, Leadership Quarterly, Organizational Research Methods, and Research Policy. He has received the CEIBS Cathay Cross-border Private Equity Research Program (2019) and received the Temple/AIB Best Paper award (2017). He holds editorial positions in several journals and regularly acts as an independent evaluator in the government, public and private sectors.