Samuel Dauzon Author

Samuel Dauzon is a web developer. After two years of studying networks and their administration, he decided to head for development. He regularly tries out the latest development technologies for his customers. He is interested in software quality and security. He is also interested in web frameworks and has studied Symfony2 and ExtJS. He works primarily on CodeIgniter2 and Django. He previously worked for CER FRANCE 49 (an accounting firm) for one year, where he created some software that was used internally with the WebDev software. Presently, he works for ILTR, a web development company specializing in ASP, PHP, and CodeIgniter2. For over two years, he has also worked as a freelance web developer (in PHP, Django, and so on). Aidas Bendoraitis has been professionally working with web technologies for over a decade. Over the past nine years at a Berlin-based company, studio 38 pure communication GmbH, he has developed a number of small-scale and large-scale Django projects-mostly in the cultural area-together with a creative team. At the moment, he is also working as a software architect at a London-based mobile startup, Hype. Aidas regularly attends meetups of Django User Group Berlin, occasionally visits Django and Python conferences, and writes a weblog about Django: http://djangotricks. Arun Ravindran is an avid speaker and blogger who has been tinkering with Django since 2007 for projects ranging from intranet applications to social networks. He is a long-time open source enthusiast and Python developer. His articles and screencasts have been invaluable to the rapidly growing Django community. He is currently a developer member of the Django Software Foundation. Arun is also a movie buff and loves graphic novels and comics.