Global Theme Park Industry
Salvador Anton Clavé - Paperback
Salvador Anton Clavé is a Full Professor of Regional Geographical Analysis at the Rovira i Virgili University, Catalonia (ES) where he serves currently as Director of the Doctoral Program in Tourism and Leisure. He is also the Principal Researcher of the Research Group of Territorial Analysis and Tourism Studies and the Director of Research at the Science & Technology Park for Tourism and Leisure of Catalonia. He has served as director/dean of the Tourism and Leisure School/Faculty of Tourism and Geography at the Rovira i Virgili University between 2002 and 2012. He is visiting Research Scholar at the International Institute of Tourism Studies at the George Washington University. His research concentrates on analysis of the evolution of tourist destinations, urban and regional tourism planning, theme parks design, management, development and globalization, tourism and ICT and issues concerning tourism policies and local development from an evolutionary approach. He has published a wider range of articles in journals such as (in English) Annals of Tourism Research, Journal of Destination Marketing and Management, Journal of Sustainable Tourism, European Urban and Regional Studies, Tourism Geographies or Journal of Policy Research in Tourism, Leisure and Events among others. His books (in English) have been published by CABI, Routledge and Emerald and (in Spanish) by Ariel, Planeta, Pirámide, UOC and Tirant lo Blanch.