Why We Kill
3 contributors - Paperback
Prof. Nancy Loucks OBE, B.A. in Criminology cum laude, M. Phil. and Ph.D. in Criminology (Cantab), is Chief Executive of Families Outside, a national Scottish charity that works on behalf of families affected by imprisonment, as well as Visiting Professor at the University of Strathclyde’s Centre for Law, Crime & Justice. Prof. Loucks's work has included extensive research in criminology including the imprisonment of women, aspects of prison discipline and control, violence and bullying, use of drugs and alcohol, suicides and self-injury, and the impact of imprisonment on prisoners’ families. Other projects have included research into the employment of people with a criminal record in the European Union, human rights aspects of religious communities in prisons, and risk assessment of serious sexual and violent offenders. Prof. Loucks was awarded an Order of the British Empire in the 2016 New Year’s Honours list for services to Education and Human Rights.
Prof. Joanna R. Adler, Head of the Department of Psychology and Sport Sciences, University of Hertfordshire, B. Sc. (hons); M. Phil. (Cantab.); Ph.D.; C. Psychol. Forens.; FHEA is a professor in Forensic Psychology. She has conducted research in areas including fear, power, and victimisation in prisons; effects of fear of crime on psychological well-being; intra-familial violence; police stress; the punishment of young offenders; radicalisation of "at risk youth" and hate crimes.
Dr. Sally Smith Holt, School of Religion, Belmont University B.A., M. Div., M. A., Ph.D. earned her Ph.D. from the Graduate Department of Religion at Vanderbilt University. She is interested in philosophical and theological ethics and related issues of justice. Much of her current work focuses on world religions and possibilities for dialogue. She works with study abroad programs in Spain and also serves as Site Coordinator for Central Seminary. Dr. Holt is a professor of religion at Belmont University in Nashville, TN.