The Aphasia Therapy File
3 contributors - Paperback
Sally Byng is Chief Executive of the charity Connect — the Communication Disability Network. She was formerly Professor of Communication Disability. She is a speech and language therapist by background, and was awarded the honors of the Royal College of Speech & Language Therapists in 1992 for her contribution to research in speech and language therapy and the Order of the British Empire by the Queen in 2005 for services to speech and language therapy.
Judith Duchan has published widely in the field of language acquisition, language pathology, and the history of diagnoses and therapies. . Her most recent book on aphasia is Challenging Aphasia Therapies (co-edited with Sally Byng). Judy can usually be found in Buffalo, New York, except during her annual visits to London where she consults on projects at the London Centre of Connect - the Communication Disability Network.
Carole Pound is Director of Innovation and co-founder of the charity Connect—the Communication Disability Network. She has worked as a speech and language therapist in hospitals, rehabilitation and university settings, and was the first speech and language therapist to be awarded the Royal College of Speech and Language Therapists Sternberg Award for clinical innovation.