Salla Aldrin Salskov Editor

Salla Aldrin Salskov is finalizing her dissertation on epistemic habits in queer feminist theory, and on Wittgenstein’s language philosophy and ethics. Her work on intersectionality, feminist philosophy, racialization, and homonationalism, love and Wittgenstein has been published in Sexualities, NORA-Nordic Journal of Feminist and Gender Research, NORMA: International Journal of Masculinity Studies, and Politics and Policy Futures in Education. She is also one of the editors of a special issue on feminist epistemic habits and critique in Feminist Encounters: A Journal of Critical Studies in Culture and Politics (2017).
Ondřej Beran is a researcher at the Centre for Ethics as Study in Human Value (University of Pardubice). His recent publications include Examples and Their Role in Our Thinking (Routledge 2021), Living with Rules (Peter Lang 2018) and From Rules to Meanings (Routledge 2018, co-edited with V. Kolman and L. Koreň).
Nora Hämäläinen is a senior researcher at the Centre for Ethics as Study in Human Value (University of Pardubice). She is the author of Literature and Moral Theory (Bloomsbury 2015, paperback 2017), Descriptive Ethics: What does Moral Philosophy Know about Morality (Palgrave Macmillan 2016), and Är Trump postmodern? (Helsinki: Förlaget 2019, for a general audience, in Swedish).