Saleh Addonia Author

Saleh Addonia was born in Eritrea from an Eritrean mother and an Ethiopian Father. As a child, he survived the Om Hajar massacre and migrated to Sudan. He grew up in refugee camps where he lost his hearing at the age of 12. Addonia spent his early teens in Saudi Arabia and arrived in London as an 18 years old refugee. Addonia has published a short stories collection in Italian, titled: She is Another Country, translated by Nausikaa Angelotti and published by the Swiss/Italian house, Casagrande editions. His work appeared in the Italian newspaper Il Sole 24 ORE and in Specimen and Zam magazines, and in an anthology, Lucifer Over London. He has been awarded The Royal Society for Literature, Literature Matters Awards 2021. The Feeling House is his first collection in English.