Sakari Taipale Author & Editor

Adjunct Professor Sakari Taipale has researched the social and human aspects of digital technologies extensively for 15 years. In his Academy of Finland Research Fellow project, Intergenerational Relations in Broadband Societies (iGRIB) (2013–2018), he collected extensive qualitative interview material from families in three European countries (Finland, Italy, Slovenia) and analysed varied quantitative data sets to gain a comprehensive understanding of digital technology use in European families. His involvement in other research projects like the Mature Consumer, Customer Experience and Value Creation in Digital and Physical Environments (the Finnish Funding Agency for Innovation (Tekes), 2015–2016) and the COST Action IS1311 Intergenerational Family Solidarity Across Europe (INTERFASOL) have also provided theoretical insights and empirical research findings that are presented in this book.