Advanced Clinical Practice at a Glance
3 contributors - Paperback
Ian Peate, OBE FRCN, is Programme Director University of Glasgow Singapore; Visiting Professor of Nursing, St George’s University of London and Kingston University London; Visiting Professor, Northumbria University; Honorary Professorial Fellow Roehampton University; Visiting Senior Clinical Fellow, University of Hertfordshire, and Editor-in-Chief of the British Journal of Nursing and Consultant Editor International Journal for Advancing Practice.
Sadie Diamond Fox is an Advanced Critical Care Practitioner (FICM member)at Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals and Strategic Lead for Advanced Practice Programmes, Assistant Professor in Advanced Critical Care Practice (Fellow - HEA) and a PhD Candidate ('ImpACCPt' Study) at Northumbria University, UK. She is also a Training Programme Director for Critical Care within Health Education England's Advancing Practice Faculty in the North East & Yorkshire, UK and an Honorary Assistant Professor in Advanced Clinical Practice at Nottingham University, UK and External Examiner for Advanced Clinical Practice programmes at Southampton University. Sadie is also a council member and education committee member of the Intensive Care Society.
Barry Hill, Assistant Professor, Critical Care, Advanced Clinical Practice, Nursing Science. Director of Nursing, Midwifery and Health Employability, Northumbria University, UK. Barry has been a Registered Nurse for almost 20 years and is skilled in clinical and Higher Education in subjects of acute, critical care, and advanced clinical practice. He worked in general, cardiac and neuro trauma Intensive Care Units at Imperial College NHS trust and progressed from staff nurse to charge nurse, senior change nurse, to surgical and ENT matron. He is a certified Advanced Practitioner (MSc), and Independent Prescriber (v300). His key areas of interest are acute and critical care, clinical skills, pharmacology, and advanced level practice. Barry has published widely in journals, has edited books, written peer reviewed journal articles. He is a Senior Fellow with AdvanceHE, a clinical and commissioning Editor for the British Journal of Nursing (BJN), and a consultant Editor for the International Journal for Advancing Practice (IJAP).